var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
function drawDonut() {
let circle_radius = 50;
let torus_radius = 200;
Ok, so for the past month or so I’ve been fascinated by this donut.c file that draws an animated donut in the terminal.
To understand it, I rebuilt it in Javascript in the browser, with built-in texturing. Here’s what it looks like:
(I know, I know, very anticlimatic).
Why do this?
This post will break down the source of my port somewhat line-by-line.
However, please keep in mind I have very little idea about the right way to do graphics programmings. I’ve mostly pieced the code together from various sources and sticked to what worked.
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
function drawDonut() {
let circle_radius = 50;
let torus_radius = 200;
I decided to go with the Canvas API because it seems like the fastest way to draw pixels in a browser window. It’s a bit of a strange API because it’s very high-level and kind of a black box.
For example, I couldn’t find how to paint a single pixel – you have to either draw a rectangle or a line. When trying to optimize the rendering, I had to try a bunch of techniques to see what would work.
Another issue is that we have to do these intricate scaling hacks because the canvas API doesn’t know about hidpi displays:
var canvas = document.getElementById("donutCanvas"); = windowWidth + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";
var windowScale = window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.width = Math.floor(windowWidth * windowScale);
canvas.height = Math.floor(windowHeight * windowScale);
A small optimization – instead of rendering directly to the screen, we render to a buffer that then gets rendered to the screen. This is called double buffering.
var offscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(2.5 * torus_radius, 2.5 * torus_radius);
Another small optimization – our offscreen canvas is actually smaller than the whole screen – this means that we only have to repaint part of the screen at every render.
offscreenCanvas.width = 3 * torus_radius;
offscreenCanvas.height = canvas.height;
let donutTexture = new Image();
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false });
var offscreenCtx = offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false });
A handful of constants and variables which are explained in more details in donut.c. A and B are our rotation angles around the Y and Z axes, while K1 and K2 have to do with the projection of the picture to a 2D space.
let A = 0;
let B = 0;
const K1 = 200;
const K2 = 600;
let startTimestamp = null;
function doDrawTorus() {
First, let’s slightly increment the current rotation angles.
A += 0.01;
B += 0.02;
let start_x = offscreenCanvas.width / 2;
let start_y = offscreenCanvas.height / 2;
We use a Z-buffer to keep track of the pixels we need to paint. This solves the problem of having one pixel that is not visible because it’s covered by another one.
var zbuffer = new Array();
offscreenCtx.fillStyle = 'black';
offscreenCtx.fillRect(0, 0, offscreenCanvas.width, offscreenCanvas.height);
offscreenCtx.fillStyle = 'salmon';
Next, we have several complicated math functions that are explained in a bit more details in donut.c Basically, we have to do two things:
This all leads to very complicated math. Luckily, nowadays Wolfram Alpha makes matrix multiplication a breeze.
function compute_next_x(A, B, torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi, canvas) {
return (torus_radius + circle_radius * Math.cos(theta)) *
(Math.cos(B) * Math.cos(phi) + Math.sin(A) * Math.sin(B) * Math.sin(phi)) -
circle_radius * Math.cos(A) * Math.sin(B) * Math.sin(theta) + offscreenCanvas.width / 2;
function compute_next_y(A, B, torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi, canvas) {
return (torus_radius + circle_radius * Math.cos(theta)) *
(Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(B) - Math.cos(B) * Math.sin(A) * Math.sin(phi)) +
(circle_radius * Math.cos(A) * Math.cos(B) * Math.sin(theta)) + offscreenCanvas.height / 2;
function compute_next_z(A, torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi) {
return Math.cos(A) * (torus_radius + circle_radius * Math.cos(theta)) * Math.sin(phi) +
circle_radius * Math.sin(A) * Math.sin(theta);
We also need to do texture mapping, which means figuring out which pixels from our texture image go where. Typically 3D engines do this in a complicated way – you can find more details here. However, we can also do the simple thing here and just fetch the values of each pixel directly.
This is of course pretty computationally expensive, but like we say in France, if you don’t have a brain at least you have legs.
function compute_map_texture_x(torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi) {
return Math.abs(((torus_radius + circle_radius * Math.cos(theta)) * Math.cos(phi) +
0 * Math.sin(phi)));
function compute_map_texture_y(torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi) {
turns out it’s the identity function:
return Math.abs(circle_radius * Math.sin(theta));
function compute_luminance(A, B, theta, phi) {
return (Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(B) - Math.cos(A) * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(phi) -
Math.sin(A) * Math.sin(theta) + Math.cos(B) * (Math.cos(A) * Math.sin(theta) - Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(A) * Math.sin(phi)));
Finally, we construct the Taurus by iterating twice, first by drawing a circle then rotating around A and B.
for (let phi = 0; phi < 2 * Math.PI; phi += (2 * Math.PI) / 360) {
for (let theta = 0; theta < 2 * Math.PI; theta += (2 * Math.PI) / 20) {
let next_x = compute_next_x(A, B, torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi, canvas);
let next_y = compute_next_y(A, B, torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi, canvas);
let next_z = compute_next_z(A, torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi);
let texture_mapping_x = compute_map_texture_x(torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi);
let texture_mapping_y = compute_map_texture_y(torus_radius, circle_radius, theta, phi);
let luminance_value = compute_luminance(A, B, theta, phi);
if (typeof zbuffer[next_x] == "undefined") {
zbuffer[next_x] = Array();
if (typeof zbuffer[next_x][next_y] == "undefined") {
zbuffer[next_x][next_y] = [next_z, next_x, next_y,
texture_mapping_x, texture_mapping_y, luminance_value];
if (zbuffer[next_x][next_y][0] < next_z) {
Now that we’ve computed everything, we can just iterate through the Z-buffer and use it to draw on our offscreen canvas.
for(let i in zbuffer) {
for (let j in zbuffer[i]) {
dest_x = Math.floor(zbuffer[i][j][1]);
dest_y = Math.floor(zbuffer[i][j][2]);
texture_map_x = Math.floor(zbuffer[i][j][3]);
texture_map_y = Math.floor(zbuffer[i][j][4]);
luminance_value = zbuffer[i][j][5];
offscreenCtx.drawImage(donutTexture, texture_map_x, texture_map_y, 30, 30, dest_x, dest_y, 30, 30);
Finally replace the contents of the screen with the ones from the offscreen canvas.
ctx.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, (canvas.width - offscreenCanvas.width) / 2, 0);
function draw(timestamp) {
if (startTimestamp === undefined) {
startTimestamp = timestamp;
const elapsed = timestamp - startTimestamp;
donutTexture.addEventListener('load', function() {
donutTexture.src = 'donut.jpeg';
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", drawDonut)
If you’ve read this far, congratulations! I’m not sure if all of this made sense but let me reassure you – basic 3D is actually not that hard and pretty gratifying!
Best, Karim