import re
import sys
import operator
import pprint as pretty_print
A few years ago, I tried to work my way through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. It’s one of these books every Lisp person will tell you to read. You can actually tell it’s a classic because almost no one read it all the way through.
One thing that stuck with me is the concept of the metacircular evaluator. A metacircular evaluator is a fancy way to call how a Lisp interpreter that evaluates a Lisp expression recursively. There’s a lot of abstruse schemas on the Internet to explain it but for some reason I could never wrap my head around it.
The other day I stumbled upon Peter Norvig’s How to write a Lisp in Python, which took me a few years back. This time, I would figure it out! So, after a bit of Googling and some light reading on Lisp, I started working on a very simple evaluator, in Python.
Python is a great language for trying things out because it gets out of the way and gives us a lot of things out of the box, like memory management – having to write a garbage collector just to implement a basic Lisp doesn’t sound fun!
This is the source for this Lisp interpreter. It’s split in three parts:
import re
import sys
import operator
import pprint as pretty_print
pprint = lambda obj: pretty_print.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint(obj)
def fail(s):
print s
These classes are mostly containers for our interpreter. They make the code a little clearer to write.
class InterpreterObject(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return self.value
class Symbol(InterpreterObject):
class String(InterpreterObject):
class Lambda(InterpreterObject):
def __init__(self, arguments, code):
self.arguments = arguments
self.code = code
def __repr__(self):
return "(lambda (%s) (%s)" % (self.arguments, self.code)
def tokenize(s):
ret = []
in_string = False
current_word = ''
The algorithm is simple: we scan the string char by char and look if we’re at a word, string or s-expr boundary. Depending on the case, we either add a new char to the current word, create a new word or a new sublist. The algorithm is complicated by the fact that we have several delimiters: spaces, simple quotes and braces, which makes it some sort of weird state machine.
for i, char in enumerate(s):
if char == "'":
if in_string is False:
in_string = True
current_word += char
in_string = False
current_word += char
current_word = ''
elif in_string is True:
current_word += char
elif char in ['\t', '\n', ' ']:
elif char in ['(', ')']:
current_word += char
if i < len(s) - 1 and s[i+1] in ['(', ')', ' ', '\n', '\t']:
current_word = ''
return ret
Next are a handful of utility functions that will help us convert tokens to their actual values.
def is_integer(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def is_float(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def is_string(s):
if s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'":
return True
return False
The parse
function is actually a wrapper for do_parse
– I wanted
to pass an iterator around because it felt a lot nicer than passing
raw array indices around.
def parse(tokens):
itert = iter(tokens)
token =
if token != '(':
fail("Unexpected token {}".format(token))
return do_parse(itert)
def do_parse(tokens):
ret = []
current_sexpr = None
in_sexp = False
for token in tokens:
if token == '(':
elif token == ')':
return ret
elif is_integer(token):
elif is_float(token):
elif is_string(token):
The interpreter is broken into two functions, eval
and apply
. Both take an s-expression (expr
) and a dictionary of variables in scope (environment
) as parameters.
‘s role is to take an expression and return its value. For example, if you pass a symbol to eval
, it will look up its value in the symbol table and return it.
is reserved for evaluating functions. It takes as parameters a function (written in Lisp or Python), a list of arguments and calls the function. How does it do that? It simply updates the environment
to define the function’s parameters as local variables, and then calls eval
def eval(expr, environment):
First, let’s define how to evaluate numbers, strings and Symbols.
if isinstance(expr, int):
return expr
elif isinstance(expr, str):
return expr
elif isinstance(expr, float):
return expr
elif isinstance(expr, String):
return expr.value
elif isinstance(expr, Symbol):
if expr.value not in environment:
fail("Couldn't find symbol {}".format(expr.value))
return environment[expr.value]
elif isinstance(expr, list):
Most of the language’s built-ins are defined as Python code
but we need to handle some language constructs like lambda
or if
in the interpreter, because they require a specific evaluation order.
For example if we defined if
as a function,
this expression (if (= 3 2) (print '3 = 2') (print '3 = 3'))
would print both
3 = 2 and 3 = 3, because the eval function evaluates its arguments in order.
if isinstance(expr[0], Symbol):
if expr[0].value == 'lambda':
arg_names = expr[1]
code = expr[2]
is simply an object that holds arguments
(a list of arguments with their names) and code
(a list of Lisp instructions to execute).
return Lambda(arg_names, code)
elif expr[0].value == 'if':
condition = expr[1]
then = expr[2]
_else = None
if len(expr) == 4:
_else = expr[3]
if eval(condition, environment) != False:
return eval(then, environment)
elif _else is not None:
return eval(_else, environment)
elif expr[0].value == 'define':
name = expr[1].value
value = eval(expr[2], environment)
environment[name] = value
elif expr[0].value == 'begin':
for ex in expr[1:]:
eval(ex, environment)
fn = eval(expr[0], environment)
args = [eval(arg, environment) for arg in expr[1:]]
return apply(fn, args, environment)
Apply is pretty simple too. It checks if a function is an interpreter built-in or not.
def apply(fn, args, environment):
If it is, it simply passes the arguments to the built-in.
if callable(fn):
return fn(*args)
Otherwise we have to actually evaluate the function.
if isinstance(fn, Lambda):
new_env = dict(environment)
if len(args) != len(fn.arguments):
fail("Mismatched number of arguments to lambda")
To do this we bind the values of the arguments to the environment.
for i in range(len(fn.arguments)):
new_env[fn.arguments[i].value] = args[i]
And we call eval on the function body. That’s it!
return eval(fn.code, new_env)
Finally we define a handful of system built-ins.
base_environment = {
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.div,
'<=': operator.le,
'=': operator.eq,
'nil': None,
'print': lambda x: sys.stdout.write(str(x) + '\n'),
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "usage: python {} <file>".format(sys.argv[0])
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fd:
contents =
parsed = parse(tokenize(contents))
eval(parsed, base_environment)
if __name__ == '__main__':
As you can see, it turns out its pretty easy to make your own interpreter! As a general rule, when you find yourself stumped by a weird concept, the easiest way to figure out how it works is to implement a basic prototype using it.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email to “hello” @ this website’s domain name.